Reconstructing the Greek King Lists


Argive Kings

Castor (reconstructed from Jerome & Eusebius)

Syncellus (reconstructed from Eusebius)

1677 Inachus 50 winters & summers

1652 Phoroneus 60 winters & summers

1622 Apis 35 winters & summers

1604.5 Argus 70 winters & summers

1569.5 Criasus 54 winters & summers

1542.5 Phorbas 35 winters & summers

1525 Triopas 46 winters & summers

1502 Crotopus 21 years

1481 Sthenelus 11

1470 Danaus 50

1420 Lynceus 41

1379 Abas 23

1356 Proetus 17

1339 Acrisius 31

1308 Eurestheus 45

1263 Atreus Thyestes 65

1198 Agamemnon 17

1181 Aegisthus [7/8]

1174 Orestes 15 (or 18)

1173 <no king>

1172 Orestes (back from exile)

1171 Aletes (usurper)

1169 Orestes (restored)

1156-1101 Tsiamneus

1677.5 Inachus 56 winters & summers

1649.5 Phoroneus 60 winters & summers

1619.5 Apis 35 winters & summers

1602 Argus 70 winters & summers

1567 Criasus 55 winters & summers

1539.5 Phorbas 25 winters & summers

1527 Triopas 36 winters & summers

1509 Crotopus 24 winters & summers

1497 Sthenelus 11 years

1486 Danaus 58

1428 Lynceus 35

1393 Abas 37

1356-1339 Proetus 17




1675 Inarchus

1650 Phoroneus

1625 Apis <Niobe>, Car

1600 Argus

1575 Peirasus, Phorbas

1550 Triopas, Lelex

1525 Iasus, Agenor, Pelasgus

1500 Io, Crotopus

1475 Sthenelas

1450 Gelanor, Danaus

1425 Lynceus

1400 Abas

1375 Acrisius, Proetus

1350 Danae, Magaphantes

1225 Perseus

1300 Electryon

1275 Alkmene + (Amphytrion), Sthenelus

1250 Eurestheus

1225 Atreus

1200 Agamemnon

1700 Oceanus + Tethys

1675 Inarchus + (Melia)

1650 Phoroneus + (Teledice), Aigialeus

1625 Apis, Niobe

1600 Argos + (Evadne), Pelasgus

1575 Ecbasos, Peiras, Epidaurus, Criasos

1550 Agenor

1525 Argos-Panoptes + (Ismene)

1500 Iasos

1475 Io

1450 Gelanor, Danaus

Tatian (corrected using Jerome and Eusebius)


1675 Inachus

1650 Phoroneus

1625 Apis

1600 Argeius (or Criasis)

1575 Criasis (or Triopas)

1550 Phorbas (or Argeius)

1525 Triopas (or Phorbas)

1500 Crotopas

1475 Sthenelaus

1450 Danaus

1425 Lynceus

1400 Abas (or Proetus)

1375 Proetus (or Abas)

1350 Acrisius

1325 Perseus

1300 Sthenelaus

1275 Eurystheus

1250 Atreus

1225 Thyestes

1200 Agamemnon


1650 Io


1600 Epaphus


1550 Lybia


1500 Belus


1450 Danus




1650 Phoroneus + (Cinna)

1625 Niobe, Apis

1600 Argus + (Evadne)

1575 Criasus, Peranthus + (Callirohe), Ecbasus

1550 Argus, Arestorides, Triopas + (Oreaside)

1525 Eurisabe, Anthus, Pelasgus, Agenor | Xanthus, Inachus + (Argia)

1500 Larisa | Io

1475 Epaphus


1675 Inachus

1650 Phoroneus

1625 Niobe, Apis

1600 Argus

1575 Peranthus

1550 Triopas

1525 (Agenor)

1500 Pelasgus, (Belus)

1475 Danaus




1375 Acrisius + (Aganippe)

1350 Danae

1325 Perseus (Tantalus)

1300 Pelops

1275 Thyestes

1250 Atreus

1225 Agamemnon

1200 Aegisthus

1175 Orestes

1150 Aletes

1125 Tisamenus, (Aristodemus)

1100 Temenus, (Eurystheus)

1075 Clytus, (Alexander)


Spartan Kings

Diodorus and Eusebius (using Diodorus’ base line)

1103-1061 Eurysthenes 42 years

1061-1030 Agis [3]1

1030-995 Echestratus 35

995-958 Labotas 37

958-929 Dorysus 29

929-885 Agesilus 44

885-825 Archeleus 60

825-785 Telecles 40

785-747 Alcamenes 38

1103-1062 Proclese 41 years

1062-1028 Sous 34

1028-977 Eurypon 51


977-928 Prytanis 49

928-883 Polydectes and Eunomus 45

883-823 Charillus 60

823-785 Nicander 38

785-738 Theopompus 47

Herodotus and Pausanius

1103 Eurysthenes

1064 Agis

1025 Echestratus

986 Labotas

947 Dorysus

908 Agesilus

860 Archeleus

830 Telecles

791 Alcamenes

752 Polydorus

713 Eurycrates


674 Anaxander

635 Eurycratides

596 Leon

557 Anaxandridus

1103 Proclese 1102

1062 (Sous) 1056

1021 Eurypon 1010

980 Prytanis 964

939 Polydectes 918

898 (Eunomus)

857 Charillus 872

816 Nicander 826

775 Theopompus 780 | 784

[739] Anaxandridus (738 Zeuxidamus)

[723] Archidamus

[702] Anaxilaus

689 Leotyhides  (692 Anaxidamus)

646 Hippocratides (647 Archidamus)

603 Agasicles

560 Ariston


Athens Kings and Archons

Castor (reconstructed from Eusebius)

1481.5 Cecrops 50 winters & summers

1456.5 Cranaus [10]9 winters & summers

1403 Amphictyon 10 winters & summers

1397 Erichthonius 50 winters & summers

1372 Pandion 40 winters & summers

1352 Erechtheus 50 winters & summers

1327 Cecrops 40 winters & summers

1307 Pandion 25 years

1282 Aegeus 48

1234 Theseus 30

1204 Menesthus 23

1181 Demophon 33

1149 Oxyntes 12

1136 Aphidas 1

1135 Thymotes 8

1127 Melanthus 37

1090 Codrus 21

1069 Medon 20

1049 Acastus 36

1013 Archippus 19

994 Thersippus 41

953 Phorbas 31

922 Megacles 30

892 Diognetus 28

864 Pherecles 19

845 Ariphron 20

825 Thespius 27

798 Agamestor 20

778 Aeschylus 23

755 Alcmaeon 2

753 Charops 10

743 Aesimides 10

733 Clidicus 10

723 Hippomenes 10

713 Leocrates  10

703 Apsander 10

693 Eryxias 10

683-682 Creon 1


Sicyonian Kings

Apollodorus (from Jerome. Eusebius & using the order of Pausanius)

1648.5 Aegialeus 52 seasons

1635.5 Europs 45 seasons

1624.25 Telchis 20 seasons

1619.25 Apis 25 seasons

1612.5 Telexion 52 seasons

1599.5 Aegydrus 34 winters & summers

1582.5 Thurimachus 45 winters & summers

1560 Leucippus 53 winters & summers

1533.5 Messapus 47 winters & summers

1510 Peratus 46 winters & summers

1487 Plemnaaus 48 winters & summers

1463 Orthopolis 63 winters & summers

1431.5 Marathon 30 winters & summers

1416.5 Marathus 20 winters & summers

1406.5 Echireus 55 winters & summers

1379 Corax 30 winters & summers

1364 Epopeus 35 winters & summers

1346.5 Lamedon 40/43 winters & summers

1326.5 Sicyon 45/42 winters & summers

1304 Polybus 40/43 years

1264 Adrastus 4 (or 1264 Inachus 42)

1260 Inachus 42 (or 1224 Phaestus 8)

1218 Phaestus 8 (or 1216 Adrastus 4)

1210 Polyphides 31

1179 Pelasgus 20

1159-1128 Zeuxippus 31/32

1128-1127 Archelaus 1

1127-1126 Automedon 1

1126 Theoclytus 4

1122 Euneus 6

1116 Theonomus 9

1108 Amphichyes 12/18

1095 Charidemus 1


Corinthian Kings

(reconstructed from Eusebius, Aristotle, Pausanius and Herodotus)

1069 Aletes 35 years

1034 Ixion 37

997 Agelas 37

960 Prunis (Promnes) 34/35

926 Bacchis 36/35

890 Agelas (Amphilytus) 30

860 Eudemos (Eumelus) 25

835 Aristodemus (Aristomedos) 35

800 Agemon 16

784 Alexander 25

759 Telestes 12

747 Automenes 1

746 <archonship> 90

656 Cypselus (30)

626 Periander (44)

582-579 Psammetichus (3)


Macedonian Kings

(reconstructed from Eusebius)

813 Caranus 28 years

785 Coenus 12

773 Tyrimmas 38

735 Perdiccas I 51

684 Argaeus I 38

646 Phillipus I 38

608 Aeropus 26

582 Alcetas 29

553 Amyntas I 50

503 Alexander I 43

460 Perdiccas II 28

432 Archelaus 24

408 Orestes 3

405 Archelaus (again) 4

401 Amyntas II  1

400 Pausanias 1

399 Amyntas II (again) 6

393 Argaeus II  2

391 Amyntas II (again) 18

373 Alexander II 1

372 Ptolemaeus 4

368 Perdicca III  6

362 Philippus II  26

336-324 Alexander the Great 12


Time Line

Tatian ( [] –  in reign of, black – 25 years per generation, grey – 20 years per generation)

1650 New Order, Ogygus at Athens, First deluge. [Phoroneus]

1580 Reign of Amosis 400 years or 20 generations before the Troy was taken. [Inachus]

1550 Actaeus at Athens, Country named Actaea prior to being called Attica. [Phorbas]

1500 Reign of Cecrops in Athens, Prometheus and Epimetheus and Arias and Io. [Triopas]

1475 The coming of Danaus into the Peloponnese and the return of Europa from Phoenicia to Crete. [Sthenelaus]

1440 Burning of Phaethon, Flood of Deucalion. [Crotopas]

1425 Abduction of Core, Founding of the temple in Eleusis, Triptolemus, and the coming of Cadmus to Thebes and the reign of Minos. [Lynceus]

1420 Reign of Amphictyon and the founding of Dardania by Dardanus. [Sthenelaus]

1360 War of Eumolpus against the Athenians. [Proetus]

1350 The deeds of Perseus and Dionysus. [Acrisius]

1320 The coming over of Pelops from Phrygia, coming of Ion to Athens, Cecrops II in Athens. [Acrisius]

1300 Amphion preceded the siege of Troy by two generations.

1250 Hercules preceded the Trojan war by one generation, Orpheus lived at the same time as Hercules.

1183 Agamemnon takes Troy in 18th year of his reign or 317 years before Homer.

1103 Return of the Heraklidae 80 years after Troy captured.

1043 Ionian migration 140 years after Troy captured.

1003 Archonship of Archippus 180 years after Troy captured.

866 Time of Homer 90 years before Olympiads.

776 Olympiads 407 years after Troy captured.

688 Time of Archiolcus 23rd Olympiad.

683 Time of Gyges 500 years after Troy captured.




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Revision 5.2 18-09-2008